Monday, February 08, 2010

Courage? Missing in Obama.

OK, that’s the last straw. Iran just launched a mouse, two turtles and some worms up into space and are American animal-rights folks upset; I mean, they are UPSET! Some of these ladies are ready to separate the mullahs from their own reproductive equipment. Whoa! Glad we’re not on the other side of that one.

But a nuke or two? Not a problem for these ladies. No one’s excited about that one.

Ah, perspective. Iran continues to make a farce of US diplomacy, informing the UN yesterday that it will now begin to enrich uranium to higher levels. Why not? They know their man in BO.

Of course we are simply armchair quarterbacks. We’re not diplomats. We’ve left that to someone else. Most Americans expect that job is being handled with our interests in mind - that is, seeing for example that we are not fried on Feb/11. And with the exception of the Carter administration, that has generally been the case.

Not this time. Those who assume that the Obama administration has a clue on just how to best protect each of us is naive, and that is to be generous.

All of us have known that BO lacked credentials to properly conduct foreign affairs. (We could do it better ourselves.) A large number of our fellow citizens however will not even now admit that as commander-in-chief this guy is a clown. He is a laughing stock worldwide.

Almost all of Congress, and most of us know the answer to the mullah thugs - either a blockade or embargo of refined gasoline.

BO lacks the guts. Is anyone surpirsed?

Robert Craven


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