Tuesday, March 30, 2010

College Kid

We sat down tonight to freshen this blog. But there’s nothing to freshen. Our past several sketches have dealt with the failings of BO as commander-in-chief: his penchant for appeasement, his habit of kicking allies squarely in the face while praising despots, dictators and lunatics; and his failure to secure this country’s security. It was all there early on (and, it’s all now in the news). Thank you very much. Thank you folks. Ok, sit down. Thank you.

But why? Why does this guy reach out to Chavez, Cuba, Libya, Syria and especially Iran? Why does he insult the French and then waste our time (as he is doing today) to make up? Why does this guy ignore the UK or go out of his way to pick a fight with Israel? He simply could not wait to scold Israel over its supposedly horrendous act of building homes while saying nothing to the Palestinians about the act of naming a town square in honor of a mass murderer. (Our lefty pals in Marin missed that one or they’d have been REALLY upset.)

Is it so tough to figure this guy out? We did it. We don’t have a TV. Our computer’s no good. We have a few books. That’s it. Discard all the noise, the pundits never ending, the million upon million of written and spoken words - that’s just $ and big business.

Instead, recall your own college career, the effected rage, the fashionable protests, the damning of America as first instinct, the stuff that really pissed off your folks. Recall your professors. All world customs were sacrosanct, even honor killings; there was absolutely no right nor wrong. This is BO. Aside from the Chicago grant machine he hardly ever stepped out of the faculty lounge. Think that makes a president, or a patriot, or even a real grown up? BO’s acting like a privileged kid. There’s nothing else there with this man child.

We coined a phrase a few blogs back (and have seen it since in print) - the "great leveling." This was keyed to domestic policy. But it’s easy to apply elsewhere. Just as BO’s health care heist acquires life, heat-exchanger-fashion as it sucks the same from free enterprise, so too is his goal to level offshore - traditional allies are ignored and old enemies are courted - until as Hansen puts it, "both are on the same moral and political plane."

We can survive three more years of this guy’s domestic policy, as crippling as it might be. That’s only our wallet. How about our security? Still taking that for granted?

Robert Craven


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