Monday, May 31, 2010

Change of Plan

Obama planned to meet Netanyahu tomorrow for what the WH called a “warm reception.” This is now complicated by last night’s incident where protestors beat, stabbed and fired at Israeli troops as they landed on the deck of the lead ship of the "Freedom Flotilla," which was up to no good.

The background of the planned meeting - A passel of Dem congressmen figure Obama has alienated the Jewish constituency; thus, it was about Nov/2. (Why Jews would ever vote for a Democrat is a great mystery, to be ranked with those of the cosmos.)

BO planned to use the meeting incidentally to 1) pressure Netanyahu not to attack Iran’s nuclear installations and 2) not to attack Hezbullah’s and Syria’s missile depots, launchers and silos.

Mainly however this meeting was about saving bo’s neck - priority #1. Be nice.

In our piece (never published) we planned to warn Netanyahu not to play along with this foolishness. If he was pressured, he better tell bo to go to hell. We warned Netanyahu to do everything he could to avoid being used as a prop - the meeting’s purpose. Thus, we wanted him to insist on a joint press conference.

Now, we have a complication. The world as usual and by instinct criticizes Israel for protecting its citizens and sides with “the underdogs.” The raid by Israeli troops was to prevent the dumping of thousands of rockets and other arms which would be aimed at Israel. The commandos were attacked; it was their death or the “peaceful, unarmed, humanitarian” thugs that attacked them.

Now Netanyahu will not meet with bo. As the scheme was to use him as a prop, all the better.

Robert Craven


At 9:52 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Good insights Bob. You may want to consider adding a link to for the best scoop on Israeli affairs. They seem to be fastest with the most.
>> The Jews that support BO are ideologues...simple as that!
I hope to soon see USA friends of Israel start raising money openly to support Israeli defense.


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