Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Praise For Obama

The drone strike taking out Mustafa Abu Yazid (where do these guys get these names?), the #3 al-qaida mucky muck, was nothing if not brilliant. Obama’s at the helm; he gets the credit. Not only has our dear leader endorsed Bush war policy (contrary naturally to his campaign rhetoric) but he has put teeth in the stealth portion of it.

BO has also adopted wholesale the Bush-Cheney US security apparatus; this too is to his credit. You know, the oversight that kept the Marin Cty left's sorry asses safe for 8 years. However, as we highlighted earlier he hasn’t what you might say “maintained it." It’s become more of a crossed-your-fingers approach, counting on civilians to intercede and bomber's crotches to take fire. And then there’s that worse-than-useless Janet Napolitano, unable to find her way out of a wet paper bag, in this position because she’s a she. This is known to reasonable folk as a dumbing down.

But back to BO - nice work.

Robert Craven


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